Who We Support
HELP LESOTHO is a non-profit organization registered in both Canada and Lesotho that delivers grassroots mental health support and training in rural communities decimated by AIDS, poverty, unemployment and gender-inequity. Over the last 19 years, Help Lesotho has had over 53,000 graduates of intensive life skills and psychosocial support programs, and reached more than 274,000 people. We are the largest funder for their Grandmother Support Program, which reaches 200 vulnerable grandmothers annually, and the children they care for.
Help Lesotho provides:
Direct delivery of education, leadership development and psychosocial support to grandmothers, children and youth. Grandmothers also receive relief items including food, blankets, shoes and garden seeds.
Since 2006, Kingston Grandmother Connection (KGC) has raised over $1,022.734.00 for the Stephen Lewis Foundation Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign and Help Lesotho (to July 2024). Our funds help to support African grandmothers who are raising their orphaned grandchildren and other extended family members. HIV/AIDS continues to devastate African families and many grandmothers are the only family members left behind to give care to the children. Led by a group of 200 members KGC takes pride in facilitating events around Kingston to help families and communities in Africa.
Since 2003, the Stephen Lewis Foundation has partnered with 325 community-based organizations on more than 1,800 initiatives in the 15 countries that have been hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic in Africa. We allocate a majority of our funds to their Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, which aims to create awareness and support in Canada for Africa’s grandmothers. In 2022-2023, 36% of their funding went towards grandmothers.
Stephen Lewis Foundation provides funding for:
Educational supplies and fees, medical care, HIV counselling and testing, adequate housing, food and bedding, support groups, home-based care visits and much more.